August 2fird! A date we have all been hearing about for about 6 months and it has finally arrived! So we celebrated rainbow style! We had the birthday bash at my mom and dad's last night to celebrate and I guess 4 is our lucky number. No crying, no whining, no freak-outs just pure unadulterated FUN! What a difference 3 years makes! We had rainbow cake and rainbow treats and with an August birthday there always has to be swimming!! Check out the fun afternoon we had celebrating!
I have to give myself dibbs on this cake. Thank you Pintrest! You make a domestic goddess out of me! |
We can't have a birthday without a little sass! |
Beautiful right??? It turned out better than I could've imagined! |
Britta being older and having AMAZING older cousins to help present opening was a BREEZE! |
Birthday princess for sure! |
A year from now we will have a new baby and Britta will be a kindergartner! I can not wait to see what the next year brings us!
So cute!!! And props on the cake. Amazing!!!